Join over 500 therapists and psychiatrists

helping online 10,000+ clients all over Europe.

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We ally with top-notch professionals.

We make sure members of our community match high standard professional criteria.

Step 1

Contact us via email.

We get back to you with a pre-screen form and set up an interview.
Step 2

We check your education.

And you get an invitation for an entrance interview.
Step 3

Onboarding happens through a special bootcamp.

Once you pass, you get a profile on our website and in the system.
Step 4

You can focus on therapy and your clients.

And we take care of the rest.
Join us today

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Leave us your contact and we’ll get back to you soon.

WEEKDAYS 8:00 to 20:00

Do you need help or consultation?

Speak to a person from our skilled customer line.

We're here.


© Hedepy s.r.o.
If your mental health condition threatens you or those around you, contact the Emergency Helpline immediately (telephone: 116 123). Our psychotherapists or Hedepy s.r.o. is not responsible for your health condition.
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