Do you happen to do so many things at once that you can’t finish anything at all? Sometimes you forget your appointments and often find that instead of listening to a colleague, you hear background music that takes you back to your vacation in an instant? Knowing yourself does not necessarily mean that you suffer from ADHD. However, if the above situations are an unwelcome part of your daily reality, know that there are many ways to take control of your restless mind. One of the most effective is psychotherapy.

What is ADHD?

ADHD is an acronym for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is a neurodevelopmental syndrome that is caused by the disruption of those parts of the brain that are co-responsible for maintaining or focusing attention, planning, anticipation and self-control. ADHD is an innate issue and its manifestations are evident since childhood. With the gradual maturation of the brain, ADHD can disappear spontaneously and up to half of the diagnosed children are asymptomatic in adulthood.

What are the symptoms of ADHD in children? And how does it manifest itself in adulthood?

Attention deficits with hyperactivity in children are manifested by the child’s tendency to change activity quickly, inability to sit still, interrupting others in conversation or making various sounds without perceiving it themselves. These hyperactive symptoms of ADHD tend to gradually decrease with age. In adults, they manifest themselves more as restlessness, confusing hurriedness in communication, poorer control of emotions or reduced levels of frustrated tolerance. Attention deficits then result in frequent failures in planning and organizing time, such as problems with completing tasks or arriving on time. It can also lead to forgetfulness or an impaired ability to perceive what the other person is saying. This can often be misinterpreted by those around the individual as impudence in children or arrogance in adults.

How reliably can we recognize ADHD in a child and in an adult?

Unfortunately, there is no simple and reliable ADHD test. The final diagnosis is conditioned by a number of examinations, which most often include a diagnostic interview, self-assessment scales, questionnaires or neuropsychological tests. It is also necessary to rule out other diseases, in order to be able to adjust the optimal medication if necessary. The diagnosis is made by a psychiatrist or child psychiatrist.

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How is ADHD treated?

Treating ADHD essentially means alleviating its symptoms. The universal drug that would reliably cure the disease is not yet known. The person himself has possible progress in his hands, or in the case of children we rely on the will and determination of the parents. The first step is to adjust the upbringing and education of children. The parent is more in control of the child’s regime and activities and helps with the right motivation and appropriate praise. Children with ADHD are sensitive to their self-esteem. They are often more likely to be criticized for their illness and may be perceived as poor or inadequate. For adults, the adjusting the work environment to be more organized. Setting routines and maintaining egularity also helps. Psychotherapy is also an important helper, especially cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or coaching. Medicines prescribed by the attending psychiatrist also have a supportive effect.

How can psychotherapy help me in the treatment of ADHD?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is one of the proven helpers in the treatment of ADHD. It can help the client to look at their own thought processes, which in their wildness can often complicate life. One gradually replaces dysfunctional beliefs with new ones and thus changes one’s behavior. Instead of confusion in a stressful situation, for example, he or she can consciously slow down his fast mind to the point where he or she focuses on one solution. This saves significant emotional strain and time and increases the feeling of one’s own competence. In addition to CBT, there are other therapeutic directions that have a positive effect on the quality of life of a person with ADHD. These include, the training of communication and social skills, work on self-acceptance, self-confidence or awareness of the positives that ADHD also brings to life (e.g. creativity, the ability to concentrate deeply or to think quickly).

How can online psychotherapy help me with ADHD?

An online psychotherapist can also be your coach and help you set up and follow your routine. It is with regularity and order that we can mature from chaos, which often complicates life. Maybe you are the parent of a child with ADHD and you are looking for support, understanding or information that will facilitate your daily demanding care. You can connect online with an expert to talk about the given topic without having to travel from your home or without waiting long for an appointment.

Get tested for ADHD

The following questionnaire can be used as a starting point to help you recognise the symptoms of ADHD in adults. Just answer 6 questions to get an answer that you can discuss with your therapist to consider next steps.

“I was brought into therapy by the desperation that whatever I was trying to do in life would end somewhere halfway. I’m always behind, even though I feel like I almost won’t stop. After all these years, I doubted myself. What am I doing wrong? When I was still single, it could be excused by the youthful flair, but as I became a mother of two sons, my life turned into real chaos. When I learned about online psychotherapy, I didn’t hesitate for a moment. Thanks to my therapist, I soon found out that so many things come to mind at one point that I lose track of what to do first. Whether it was home organization or long-term plans. The first thing that helped me was a conscious calm through guided relaxation. Later, I learned to perceive my thoughts as their observer. Sometimes it works better, other times less. In both cases, I know I’m not alone.”

Thinking about therapy?

It's definitely worth a try

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If your mental health condition threatens you or those around you, contact the Emergency Helpline immediately (telephone: 116 123). Our psychotherapists or Hedepy s.r.o. is not responsible for your health condition.
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